Buy property

One step ahead

Buying a house or an apartment in Spain is an exciting and emotional process. It can also be a stressful process: at times feeling like you need to be an economist, a legal expert and a construction engineer all at once in order to make the right decisions on important matters.

But try not to worry. Here at Fastighetsbyrån we have developed a range of smart services and tools to help you find your dream property and make your move at the right time. We aim to make life simpler for you, so that you can enjoy the process of finding and purchasing the perfect property. 

One step ahead

If you are thinking about buying a house or an apartment in Spain then the smart move is to start your preparations well in advance. It will make the whole process smoother and more relaxed. We can help you with this through our “One step ahead” package. The “One step ahead” package includes:

Buyers' guide
Our buyers' guide is packed full of information, hints and tips that will help you with buying property in Spain.

Feedback and advice
A core part of our support service is to provide feedback and advice at every stage of your purchase process. From our offices in Spain our expert staff team will guide and support you with everything from finding the perfect property to dotting the Is and crossing the Ts on the completion paperwork. We are always here to provide advice by phone or e-mail, whichever works best for you.

Property alert
We want you to see the very best of what Spain’s property market has to offer, in real time. To make this possible, we have set up a free property alert service that can notify you via e-mail and/or text messages when a property that matches your criteria comes onto the market.

Most recent offer
It is not easy keeping track of all the bids, so we always display the latest bid on the online property description straight away. This means you know where you stand at every stage of the bidding process and provides a better basis for decision making when you are considering your next bid.

To ensure you are one step ahead, we can assist you with finding appropriate local mortgage arrangements. Spanish banks are happy to use properties as security for mortgages, so we can put you in touch with local banks who can assist you. We suggest doing this before you visit Spain to view properties, so that you know precisely how much you have to spend on your dream second home.

NIE number
Part of our “One step ahead” package is to support you with obtaining a Spanish NIE (tax identification number). You need this to buy a property, to open a bank account and for various other official activities. As it can take several weeks to obtain, we will put you in touch with companies who can help you to prepare your NIE application at an early stage in your property search process.

As soon as you have found a property at which you want to have a closer look, let us know. Fastighetsbyrån can help you to plan your visit to Spain to ensure that you get the most out of your time there. Once there, we have expert local agents on hand who can arrange viewings, show you around the local area and answer all of your questions in detail. 

Liability Insurance

All real estate agents within Fastighetsbyrån are covered by a liability insurance which provides a greater security for you as a customer.

Liability insurance is mandatory for real estate agents in Sweden and we have chosen to offer this security for you as a customer in Spain. The insurance gives you, as a customer, a greater protection in the event that you suffer financial damage during a mediation assignment.

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