Togo SOS Byar

Everyone is entitled to a home where they feel safe

Having a safe place to call home is something most of us take for granted, but it’s not the same for many children in the world who have lost their parents and homes because of war, poverty and disease.

For every property brokered by Swedish real estate firm Fastighetsbyrån in Spain and Portugal, we will contribute 10 euros to SOS Children’s Villages. Based on our activity in Sweden, this involves about 45,000 residences and 450 000 euros to provide a safe home for boys and girls.

SOS Children’s Villages 

SOS Children’s Villages is one of the largest organizations in the world that fights for children’s rights. It currently operates in 135 countries. It cooperates with local agents to provide long-term protection to vulnerable children and parents and to encourage leaders to take children’s’ welfare into account. Through initiatives that support families, children’s villages and aid for education and health, SOS Children’s Villages offers children love, care and the conditions they need so they can have a sustainable future as adults.

Fastighetsbyrån’s contribution goes directly to the children’s village in the area of Atakpamé, Togo, in West Africa. More than half the population of Togo is under the age of 15 and thousands of children have lost their parents or are at risk of abandonment. 

The goal is to create at least three homes in the children’s village and change the lives of the children who live there. This support can help provide these children with a safe home and a family, not to mention an education, food, clothing and healthcare. 

If you would like to contribute to the SOS Children’s Villages network make a donation here.

We’re building the future children’s village in Atakpamé

The Atakpamé area is characterised by a high percentage of young people: approximately 62% of the population is under the age of 20 and, of that group, nearly 20% are children under the age of five. Frequent flooding in the area forces many families out of their homes and destroys their livelihood. Many people suffer from serious diseases such as tuberculosis and malaria and other parasitic diseases. Healthcare services are also grievously lacking.

The area desperately needs schools because the existing ones are overcrowded and have a low educational level. Many children stop going to school altogether. Another great challenge in Atakpamé is the traditional voodoo culture, which exposes many children to violence and causes them to be abandoned due to superstition.

Child trafficking is also very common. Many children, especially girls, are forced to become domestic workers and perform other jobs in the capital of Lomé and nearby countries. When they leave home, they are also exposed to violence and sexual abuse.

The authorities have donated land to SOS Children’s Villages and are participating in programme implementation. The Atakpamé network will help about 1,500 children and their families through the family assistance and family strengthening programmes. Work is carried out in collaboration with local authorities and organizations.

An integrated children’s village
In the new children’s village, boys and girls will live with their SOS mothers, who will receive help from support mothers and other staff members. The homes are built in different parts of the city to reduce the risk of stigmatization and enable the children to form part of the local community. At the same time, the homes are close enough to each other to provide mutual help and support.

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