
The road home – buying a residence in Sweden

Buying or selling a home is often the biggest transaction in your life, and it can be difficult to understand all parts of the process. We would like to make it easier for you here to find your way around the Swedish property market and create the conditions for a sound property transaction.

We also have the facility to arrange contact with an interpreter, which may be helpful during certain stages of your property transaction. Feel free to make contact with one of our offices.

Under the headings below we provide a descriptive outline of the Swedish property market and explain the process involved in a property transaction.

Forms of housing in Sweden

The role of an estate agent

Preparations ahead of the property purchase

The viewing

Investigation and inspection

The bidding process

The contract

The period between contract and taking possession

Date of taking possession

What is included in the property?

If something goes wrong after all

New builds -purchase guide for cooperative housing

Six quick tips on the way – home!

  • Get a good idea about the property market and its price levels – Study statistics and property advertisements at, for example, Hemnet.se, Maklarstatistik.se or estate agents’ own websites.

  • Make sure you obtain a written mortgage commitment – Talk to several banks about financing the property and the rules that apply in Sweden.

  • Go to several property viewings – Visit different residential areas and go to lots of viewings to get an idea of where you want to live and which criteria you are looking for in your future home.

  • Remember that bids are not binding and that nothing is final until both buyer and seller have signed the contract.

  • Ask the estate agent lots of questions and use their knowledge – Estate agents in Sweden are engaged by the seller but must also represent the interests of the buyer.

  • Don’t forget to investigate the property – In Sweden the buyer has an extensive obligation to investigate. Investigate the property you wish to buy thoroughly and engage an inspector if required. If you are planning to buy a housing cooperative property, it is also important to investigate the association’s finances.

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